Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reaching Out To Help

The Building & Grounds program here at Vantage Career Center is helping out the community again. Like in so many years past, the Building & Grounds program reaches out into the surrounding communities to lend a hand and make life where we live a little bit better. I can think of a few things off the top of my head where they have made an impact in our area. They helped with the Van Wert Children's Garden, assisted in turning the old Van Wert armory into the new Wassenberg Art Center and put a roof on a shelter house in the Delphos community. These are just a few of the neat projects that our students work on.

A project that they are now working on, under the leadership of first year instructor Mr. Dave Delano, is completely gutting an old building in Van Wert and preparing it to be a brand new teen center called the Portal 2:20. I am really excited about this project because I believe it is something that is really needed for the youth in this area. The Portal 2:20 is a place just for teenagers. It is a non-profit organization created with a purpose. Their main focus is to create a facility where teens can hang out and spend time socializing with friends in an uplifting and encouraging atmosphere created just for them. They will tell you that they are not a youth center and they are different from most community centers. The Portal is only for teens in grades 6 through 12, and their atmosphere will be (as they say it), a little bit...well...nerdy.

The facility will have various video gaming systems, a stage to show off musical and singing talents, a large screen for movie nights, a concession stand where students can find snacks and drinks, tables, lounge seating, beanbag chairs and more - perfect for cozying up with a good book, finishing up homework, and socializing! BUT, there is more to it than just an activity center. Their purpose is to be a force for good in this community. Many of us are well aware of the struggles teens face today. Even amongst local teens, there are issues with drugs, violence, abuse, sexual promiscuity and other situations. Along with these issues, the Van Wert hospital says that almost 50 out of 1000 teens are coming to the hospital because of pregnancy. The Portal 2:20 will have caring volunteers who can mentor students and help them make better choices in life. Their mission is to help every teen know that they are Loved, Worthy, Valuable...and that they are Enough.

One of the main questions that gets asked is, "Will my child be safe?" The Portal 2:20 answers it this way; "We understand that teen centers have been attempted before in Van Wert. Rest assured, we ARE different. We have done our homework. We have many policies and procedures in place for our volunteers and facility so that while teens from all walks of life are welcome, we will maintain a safe and positive atmosphere free from drugs, violence, and other offenses." They are Christian based but they are not a church or run by a church. They are a stand alone non-profit organization that was started because they believed there was a need, and because they care about our youth. Any and all teens are welcome regardless of their beliefs, ideas, interests or life styles.

If you have further questions, please contact Julie Burk at You can follow them on facebook at or on the web at They are always looking for volunteers and help of any kind. This facility will be located at 108B Zimmerman Ave, next to Young's Trash in the complex at the very end of Main St. in Van Wert.

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