Sunday, April 3, 2016

What Are You Doing Prom Night?

What are your plans for prom night? I hear all the talk lately about the upcoming proms and who is going with who and what they will be wearing, etc. I know this is an exciting time of year for the seniors. There is so much going on as the seniors near the end of their high school career and prom night can be one of the more exciting nights. It is a chance for some of the guys to trade in their jeans and cowboy boots for one night and put on a tuxedo. For the girls, it's a chance for them to get out of the school uniforms and have their hair done, nails done and dress up in a beautiful evening gown. I know that the cost of a prom today is a lot more than it was when I was attending high school. However, I get it and totally understand the importance of prom night for so many of you. But, I would still like to ask you the question, "What are you doing prom night?".

I hope that if the school where you are attending prom has a pre- and post-prom party, that you would attend. I encourage you to go to these events because they are alcohol free parties and will provide a safe and fun evening for both you and your date. It seems that prom night, in recent years, is seen as a drinking rite of passage for some adolescents. I'm not here to lecture any of you but I want you to know that I truly care about you and your safety. There are so many consequences of drinking - diminished judgement, becoming more uninhibited, nausea, vomiting, hangovers, irritability and sleep disturbances. Drinking too much too rapidly can cause alcohol toxicity that leads to loss of consciousness and even death. I know you have heard all this and I will bet there are some of you even rolling your eyes or laughing. Well it will not be funny if you get sick, run into problems with the law or even end up in the hospital. Please think about the trouble you could get into and don't even be tempted.

One of the hardest things is facing peer pressure. I know some of your friends may keep asking you to take a shot or party with them before or after prom. The best way to handle peer pressure is to simply say " I don't like the way alcohol affects me." Or simply tell them that you just don't want to deal with that tonight. No matter how you say it or what you say, just don't cave into the pressure. You will be glad you didn't drink. Trust me. It is also important that you keep your pop or soft drink with you. Never leave it out of your sight or set it down. Too many times adolescents have had their drinks spiked without them ever knowing it.

Finally, please don't ever get into a car with someone who has been drinking. I don't care if it is the date that you went to the prom with or with someone else, never get into a car with someone who has been drinking. I hope you have a great prom night, I truly do. I hope you make some great memories and share a lot of laughs, dances and fun. Just remember that you will have a lot more fun sober than you ever will drinking. I want you to know that I care about you and want to see all of you safe this year. Thanks!

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