Friday, December 11, 2020

Winter Sport Athletes

 Well it is December 11th and we are still in school doing face to face learning. I am so proud of all our staff and students who are doing everything to stay safe and stay in school. Only seven more days and we will finish out the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. I truly want to thank each and everyone of you for working through these hard times.

Speaking of working hard. Today we celebrate our winter sport athletes. These students are working so hard to stay healthy, stay in shape, keep their grades up and have a successful season in whatever sport or event they are involved in. I am always amazed when I speak with any of these students. They get here on time every day, they leave at the end of school and head right to practice, they grab a bite to eat after practice and then work on their homework. Incredible and impressive. I want to thank each one of these students that you see in the picture for choosing Vantage as their school of choice. They realized that they can start a future career in their field of study here at Vantage and also be involved in the sport that they so love back at their home school. You may recall seeing some of these very same students in our fall sports picture. Several of these students play two or even three sports during the school year and still keep up their grades. I am very proud of all of you and I hope you continue your hard work and dedication throughout your lifetime. 

Good luck to all of you this year. To the seniors, I am sure you wish the stands could be filled with cheering spectators and all of your classmates. I myself miss going to the games and cheering you on. However, I believe we can learn something from every situation, whether good or bad. I hope you realize how strong you are and how resilient you have been the last year and a half. You have been able to adapt to many changing situations and still stand strong. I hope my readers will look at this picture closely and see these students behind the mask. If you look into the eyes of the students as I do, you will see strength, compassion and determination. There is so much hope and faith behind every mask. These are the eyes that say "I will make it, I will not be defeated and I will survive". These students will always hold a special place in my heart. They have taught me more than I could have imagined. When 2020 starts getting you down, look into the eyes and hearts of these students and smile. They are our future and they are the bright light that is just around the corner.

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