Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lazy Days of Summer

Well here we are. Only seven school days for our seniors and nine days left for our juniors. It is always hard to believe when we get to this time of year, I just can't help but wonder how the year went so fast. As everyone gets ready for this summer, I realize there are a lot of different paths that people will be taking. Many of our seniors will be starting their new careers, some will be getting ready for college and some starting their basic training for the military. Some of our juniors will be working hard over the summer or just looking forward to some time off. No matter what plans any of you may have, I hope that you will find some time to just relax, enjoy some sunshine and re-charge yourself for whatever it is you will be doing next.

I don't know about you, but there is nothing like a warm summer breeze and the sun splashing off a crystal clear body of water. How often have you thought back to those innocent times when you were real young and didn't seem to have the worries or concerns you have now. For me, the end of the school year was a time to put all the books away and jump on the bike and head to my friends house. We were always outside playing or just hanging around. I remember going down to a local park by our house and playing baseball for hours and hours. I also remember that if you hit a ball on top of the car wash, it was a home run. We didn't have cell phones but knew we had to be home at a certain time for dinner. We also had a swimming pool at our house and spent a lot of time swimming with all the neighborhood kids. There also was always a vacation thrown in with the parents. We would jump in the car and head to Northern Michigan, Canada or visit relatives in their home state. It was such a great time and created so many great memories.

I hope somewhere in your summer plans you will create some special times and some special memories. Whether it is a long vacation, time on a boat, hanging with friends or enjoying your own backyard, I truly hope that you will find time to soak up some sunshine. Let the warm summer breeze blow through your hair or let your toes dig into some warm sand by the ocean.
Whatever you choose, please be careful and always make wise choices. This is my last blog for the year so I will catch you next August. Have a great summer!

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